Last December I visited Athens for the first time. And I already know, it won’t be for the last time.
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Street photography in Madrid

I recently visited Madrid and enjoyed the sunny weather with its harsh shadows during the day. This turns even simple things like windows with some plants into interesting subjects. It gets even more interesting, of course, when people cast their long shadows on walls.

There were many beautiful sunsets, still present as reflections when taking pictures of well-known landmarks, combing tourist hot spots with a drink, which I personally enjoy. At night, the city lights up with countless neon signs, glowing bars, eateries and their visitors.

And then, of course, there are the dogs, so many cute dogs.
New specialty coffee shops in Vienna in 2024
You want a good cup of coffee in Vienna? Well, I got you covered and present you the latest additions of specialty coffees to the city and how I liked them.
Continue reading “New specialty coffee shops in Vienna in 2024”Vienna Coffee Festival 2024
Should you visit the Vienna Coffee Festival? I want to answer this question for two types of people: Those who are not familiar with the Austrian (specialty) coffee scene or roasters and those who are looking for new roasters from outside of Austria.
Continue reading “Vienna Coffee Festival 2024”Mozartkugeln am Flughafen kaufen
Ihr habt Österreich besucht und erst in letzter Minute entdeckt, dass ihr eine berühmte österreichische Spezialität ebenfalls probieren möchtet? Wir haben für euch eine Liste der Last-Minute-Optionen am Flughafen zusammengestellt.
Continue reading “Mozartkugeln am Flughafen kaufen”Buying Mozartkugeln at the airport
You visited Austria and only discovered in the last minute that you want to get a famous Austrian specialty? We got you covered and list some of the last-minute Mozartkugel options you have.
Continue reading “Buying Mozartkugeln at the airport”New Mozartkugeln in 2023
In 2023, we discovered some new Mozartkugels. These include handmade ones from Vienna and Germany, some industrially produced ones from well-known manufacturers and a large number of rebrands that we took a closer look at.
Continue reading “New Mozartkugeln in 2023”Neue Mozartkugeln in 2023
Im Jahr 2023 haben wir einige neue Mozartkugel entdeckt. Darunter sind handgemachte aus Wien und Deutschland, einige industriell hergestellte von bekannten Herstellern und eine große Anzahl an Rebrands die wir uns näher angeschaut haben.
Continue reading “Neue Mozartkugeln in 2023”New specialty coffee shops in Vienna in 2023
It’s become a tradition for me to look back over the past year and see which new speciality coffee shops opened in Vienna. So, lets have a look together at the new shops you can visit.
Continue reading “New specialty coffee shops in Vienna in 2023”Wo kann man die Original Mozartkugeln von Fürst in Wien kaufen?
Ihr seid zu Besuch in Österreich und wollt die originalen Mozartkugeln von Fürst? Leider kann man sie weder in Wien noch irgendwo außerhalb von Salzburg bekommen. Dennoch gibt es ein paar Möglichkeiten, die eventuell für euch in Frage kommen könnten.
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